Sunday, May 24, 2009

Get in There

So yesterday Jake, Chris, Adam, and I headed out for a 56 mile loop from capitol hill down to Renton back up to Issaquah and then returning to Seattle. It started on a bad note, for while getting ready jakes tube in his spin popped. Then 15 mi into the ride we met up with Hugh, a friend of Adam's who is a great rider, and jakes tubular on his mavic was super low. Turns out the old tubie had a shitty valve, so Jake ended up walkin 15 miles back home. (Chris and I bought him vegan cookies to make up for leaving him, but the RIDE MUST GO ON.) Also Jake named this ride "Get in there" because apparently chris said that to him. So... from now on we are going to have a title for each right.

Back to the ride.  My legs felt really weak the whole way, and about 25 mi in I realized that I was pretty much already BONKING.  So I just did my best to push through it. It was a really really tough day for me. It was frustrating to say the least. I really need to work on my nutrition before, during, and after the rides.

Also about a mile from home I skidded through my tire and got a flat. So I just rode it home.

I will post some pics that Jake took after he uploads them.


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